
Streetwise Critical Metals / Other Metals Articles

Kwong-Mun  Achong Low

Repositioning into Royalties for Richer Returns: Kwong-Mun Achong Low
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (3/8/13)
Royalty plays may have once been strictly the domain of larger companies, but smaller names are shifting gears to enter the space. Can the smaller players make the numbers work for their shareholders? Kwong-Mun Achong Low, an analyst with Jennings Capital, believes they can. Achong Low tells The Gold Report about which juniors are making the leap into royalties. More >

Leonard Melman

Leonard Melman: Are You Prepared for Hyperinflation?
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (3/6/13)
As looming inflation, currency wars and a possible run on gold threaten to derail markets, Leonard Melman, author of The Melman Report, is setting his sights on the midtier and near-term producers that he wants to scoop up when the blood is in the streets. In this interview with The Gold Report, Melman explains why gold, silver and the companies bringing them out of the ground could do very well in the second half of 2013.
More >

Matthew O'Keefe

Striking a Balance with Zinc Investments: Equal Parts Infrastructure, Financing and Compromise
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (3/5/13)
Stock picking can be an exercise in compromise, and investors who wait for a perfect zinc mining project could be sitting on the sidelines—and missing out on profits. Advanced zinc projects close to infrastructure are limited, and with zinc supply contracting in 2013, new operations are emerging both within and outside of established districts. Matthew O'Keefe, mining analyst with Mackie Research, talks with The Metals Report about his criteria for choosing investments in the zinc small-cap space and explains why he's sometimes willing to make concessions. More >


Why Copper Prices Will Rebound in 2013
Source: Tony Daltorio, Money Morning  (3/4/13)
"If you're considering investing in copper, you need to know what's happening in China right now." More >

Jeb Handwerger

Why Smart Money Is Buying Junior Strategic Metal Miners
Source: Alec Gimurtu of The Metals Report  (2/26/13)
Most investors have a tough time standing apart from the crowd. That's why Jeb Handwerger says, "To be successful in the market, 99% of the people have to think you're wrong." While most investors are chasing overvalued equities, the smart money is acquiring assets that will benefit from the next uptick in inflationary pressures. In this interview with The Metals Report, Jeb Handwerger, editor of Gold Stock Trades, explains which investments will benefit most from the coming "risk-on" trade. More >

Eric Coffin

Spotting the Miners That Can Survive the Long Capital Drought: Eric Coffin
Source: Peter Byrne of The Gold Report  (2/25/13)
In order to make wise investment decisions, gold investors must coldly assess economic realities, says Eric Coffin. As the publisher of Hard Rock Analyst Advisories, Coffin tracks a range of gold explorers with the bling to weather the long capital drought. He has figured out how to separate the winners from the losers and, in this interview with The Gold Report, he shares the names of some strong ventures. More >


Iron Ore Prices May See Short-Time Gains as 'Rusty' Halts Australian Exports
Source: Dorothy Kosich, Mineweb  (2/25/13)
"Global iron ore trade faces major disruptions as cyclone Rusty bears down on Australia's Pilbara region and its shipping ports." More >

Henk Krasenberg

Discover 35 Mining Stocks with Potential: Henk Krasenberg
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (2/22/13)
Henk Krasenberg, founder of the European Gold Centre, is back from the INDABA Mining Conference in South Africa with plenty to report. He has seen a sea change in mining in Africa over the last few years; countries are growing more confident and have a greater awareness of mining's potential. In this interview with The Gold Report, Krasenberg provides a European perspective on a whole slew of miners working in Africa, as well as in all corners of the world. More >

Colin Healey

Colin Healey: Will Mining Stocks Follow Iron Ore's Price Climb?
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (2/19/13)
Last year's drop in iron ore prices made for a once-bitten, twice-shy market, but Colin Healey of Haywood Securities now sees upside opportunity in junior developers. But there's a catch: Iron ore projects often have big price tags, and investors need to be confident that a company can cover its costs. In this interview with The Metals Report, Healey discusses junior developers that look fit to reach the finish line and explains why partnerships are not financial cure-alls in the space. More >


Why You Can Bet on Platinum Prices Going Higher
Source: Jeff Uscher, Money Morning  (2/15/13)
"Platinum prices, which have been below gold prices since mid-2011, are once again higher than the yellow metal, and the spread's widening." More >

Christopher Ecclestone

Chris Ecclestone: Gold Will Fall, Time to Switch to Specialty Metals?
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (2/12/13)
The U.S. and Europe may have been skirting the edge of financial peril for years, but Christopher Ecclestone, who is the principal and mining strategist of London-based Hallgarten & Co., told The Metals Report that the gold price should drop this year as investors realize that there's no more cause for panic. However, the frank and expressive Ecclestone has plenty of other suggestions for what's "sexy" this year (zinc, copper and specialty metals), even as he rips into "business as usual" gold majors and chastises any management team with the nerve to offer a 0.5% dividend. More >

Ingrid Rico

Why You Can Trust Your Analyst Again: Ingrid Rico
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (2/11/13)
Within the universe of junior mining companies, investors need to be choosy, says Ingrid Rico, mining analyst at Toronto-based investment bank M Partners. In this interview with The Gold Report, Rico explains how analysts value miners and reveals how she will be looking at junior mining companies in 2013—with a skeptical eye, preferring those funded to complete exploration plans for the year and a management track record to deliver results. She shares names of some companies whose projects stand out. More >


Big Gains Ahead with Platinum's Neglected Cousin
Source: Byron King, Daily Reckoning  (2/11/13)
"Let's cut to the chase. We've got a metal play here." More >

Kevin  Puil

Kevin Puil: $4/lb Copper Is on Its Way
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (2/5/13)
Kevin Puil thinks analysts need to be realistic when it comes to copper. The Malcolm Gissen & Associates portfolio manager points to copper's historic levels at over $3/lb as proof that there are brighter times ahead for base metals as economies around the world continue to industrialize. On the other hand, with economic projects less abundant than they once were, supply is under severe pressure. The good news is, as Puil remarks in this Metals Report interview, there's money to be made for investors who can pinpoint the right projects. Read on to learn who's on Puil's list. More >

Chen Lin

Chen Lin Places His Bets on Self-Financing Producers
Source: Zig Lambo of The Gold Report  (2/4/13)
The tough financing markets of the past few years have taken their toll on many junior resource companies, as continuing needs for capital have led to dilution and lower stock prices. In this tricky environment, Chen Lin likes to place his bets on companies that can minimize dilution through internal cash flow that helps to finance expansion and exploration activities. In this interview with The Gold Report, Lin talks about how he has played the difficult market in 2012 and where he sees some of the best opportunities in 2013. More >

equity rally REES

Equity Rally Should Boost Discounted Rare Earth and Uranium Miners
Source: Jeb Handwerger, GoldStockTrades  (2/4/13)
"Exports have jumped to a seven-month highs despite the debt issues in Europe and the United States. This rebound in China may be a spark for the undervalued junior miners, which have been in a downtrend for close to two years as economists predicted a Chinese hard landing." More >

Mike Niehuser

Mike Niehuser: Modern-Day Gold Rush Puts Nevada on Top
Source: Special to The Gold Report   (2/1/13)
These days, monetary policy moves stock prices more than economic data releases, says Mike Niehuser, founder of Beacon Rock Research. While the potential for higher gold prices is compelling, the decline in the number of discoveries and grades of resources makes mining stock selection intriguing. Niehuser has scoped out jurisdictions and finds the stars are aligning to put Nevada on top. In this interview with The Gold Report, Niehuser shares the names of companies that he feels have the right stuff. More >

Michael Fowler: The New Strategy for Adding Value to Junior/Midtier Gold (Hint: It's Not by Making Big M&A Deals)
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (1/30/13)
GoldA lackluster U.S. economy is creating a positive environment for gold, according to Michael Fowler, senior mining analyst with Loewen, Ondaatje, McCutcheon Ltd. By calculating ounces-in-the-ground values and assessing risk, Fowler has concluded that the junior/midtier sector offers the best growth potential. He expects to see companies of all sizes try to control costs instead of looking for mergers and acquisitions to add value. Read on in this Gold Report interview for Fowler's take on companies that he believes fit the bill. More >

Benoit Gascon: An Insider's Take on the Complicated Graphite Market
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (1/29/13)
Ten years ago, Benoit Gascon would have said there's no money in graphite investment. But the former CEO of the only North American graphite producer to survive Chinese competition has changed his tune, thanks to increasing graphite consumption in China and India. Gascon, who argues that the graphite markets of the 1990s are gone for good, has thrown his hat back into the ring, this time as CEO of a junior player, Mason Graphite. In this interview with The Metals Report, Gascon gives us an inside look at the graphite space and explains why the clichĂ© "the customer is always right" has extra resonance in this "inverted" market. More >


No Dutch Disease in Greenland Mining Prospects
Source: Richard Mills, Resource Investor  (1/25/13)
"Greenland's Bureau of Minerals and Petroleum has so far awarded 150 licenses for mineral exploration with around 600M kroner spent by companies in 2012. Just ten years ago, there were almost no requests for mining licenses." More >

Alex Knox

Keys to Rare Earth Companies’ Success: Innovation, Cost Efficiency
Source: Zig Lambo of The Metals Report  (1/22/13)
Geologist Alex Knox followed rare earths before they were Wall Street's darlings, and continues to do so, having seen stormy weather in this industry before. Demand for rare earths remains; it's just a question of who can supply them first—and at what cost? In this interview with The Metals Report, Knox tells investors what questions they need to ask management and highlights companies that are progressing toward production. More >


Forget Demand: Base Metals Supply Should Be the Focus
Source: Geoff Candy, Mineweb  (1/19/13)
"Barclays Capital believes a lot of focus should be on the supply side." More >

David Skarica

Are Junior Gold Investors Living the Movie 'Groundhog Day'?: David Skarica
Source: Alec Gimurtu of The Gold Report  (1/16/13)
Gold stocks, especially juniors, have been undervalued for longer than most investors thought possible. The result is what David Skarica, founder of Addicted to Profits, calls a "maximum pessimism trade." In this interview with The Gold Report, Skarica summarizes his analytical tools and provides clear examples of companies that meet his criteria as "screaming buys." Gold junior investors might feel as if they live in the movie "Groundhog Day," but the undervaluation cycle will eventually be broken. Is spring just around the corner for the junior gold miners? More >

David Skarica

Graphite Stock Strategies for a Second Bubble: David Skarica
Source: Alec Gimurtu of The Metals Report  (1/15/13)
David Skarica, founder of Addicted to Profits, says another—bigger—graphite bubble is likely on its way. In this interview with The Metals Report, Skarica compares the graphite space to the rare earth and uranium arenas, making some interesting conclusions about what kinds of stocks perform best during market-wide roller coaster movements. However, he warns that the graphite space is different, with no clear industry leaders and a number of companies with high potential. His conclusion? Choose carefully. More >

world copper

Copper Reserves Could Run Out in 25 Years
Source: Harlan Kessler, Seeking Alpha  (1/14/13)
"There are a number of ways to play the potential supply and demand imbalance for copper." More >

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