
Streetwise Critical Metals / Other Metals Articles

Rick Winters

How to Invest Like a Merchant Bank in High-Risk Resources: Rick Winters
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (1/11/13)
It is difficult for retail investors to sift the wheat from the chaff in the junior miner sector. In this interview with The Gold Report, Rick Winters reveals how RMB Resources, a resource merchant bank, figures out what projects to invest in and those to pass over and talks about some of the companies that made the cut. More >

mining finance

Crash Course: Mining Equity Financing
Source: Visual Capitalistm  (1/11/13)
"Mining exploration companies use large amounts of capital to find discoveries, define a resource and advance to production." More >


Nickel: Where Form Meets Function
Source: Visual Capitalistm  (1/7/13)
"While best known for its use in the five-cent coin, nickel has far more strategic uses." More >

Stefan Ioannou

Are You a Base Metal Growth Bull or a Gold Gloom-and-Doomer?
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (1/2/13)
Gold bugs say the global economy could collapse any day now. But what about investors who see continued growth in emerging economies and a steady, if slow, U.S. recovery? Look to base metals, recommends Haywood Analyst Stefan Ioannou. He expects price runs for 2013–2015, especially for zinc, which is facing a serious supply squeeze. Do your homework now to get positioned as soon as the uptick begins. Ioannou shares his favorites in this Gold Report interview. More >

Matt Gibson

The Rare Earth Sector Needs These Three Things to Prosper
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Critical Metals Report  (12/18/12)
For too long, the rare earth space has operated in obscurity. Greater clarity on prices, inventory levels and demand will create more market stability, according to Matt Gibson, institutional research analyst with CIBC World Markets. In this Critical Metals Report interview, Gibson emphasizes that rare earths are for the risk takers—at least for now. For the strong of stomach, he offers details on trading levels, catalysts and opportunities. How will you place your bets? More >

Byron King

Byron King: Time to Take Rare Earths Losses Ahead of Tax Code Changes?
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Critical Metals Report  (12/18/12)
Share prices have tumbled down for many rare earth element miners, while the quality of certain companies has dramatically improved. Is now the right time for investors to strengthen their positions in the space or to turn and run? Byron King, editor of Outstanding Investments and Energy & Scarcity Investor, discusses some new tax implications with The Critical Metals Report that could help investors time their gains or losses. More >

Matt Gibson

CIBC's Matt Gibson Sees Upside in Iron in 2013
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (12/17/12)
Investors who want to play in the iron and copper space should look to small-cap producers for attractive valuations and lower risk, says Matt Gibson, institutional research analyst with CIBC World Markets. In this Gold Report interview, he says he believes iron has found its floor in 2012 and names iron ore and copper companies with upside potential. More >

REE Keys

Stability and Patience Are the Keys for Rare Earth Investing
Source: Geoff Candy, Mineweb  (12/13/12)
"House Mountain Partners' Chris Berry explained that an investment in the space now requires a 'belief in the management of a company and the location, the geo-political story surrounding the deposit.' And, more importantly a clear view of the company’s financial sustainability." More >

A Critical Year in Review: What's Next?
Source: The Critical Metals Report Editors  (12/11/12)
Every great mining story begins from the ground up. This is as true of critical metals as it is for gold and silver. Many investors took losses by chasing the pie-in-the-sky potential every publicly listed rare earth stock seemed to promise. Since its debut 18 months ago, The Critical Metals Report has focused on the goods in the ground, striving to present valuable insights on an oft-misrepresented sector, sharing related stories as they emerged. As the year comes to a close and we prepare to extend our coverage further, we are revisiting our most popular expert interviews from 2012. Yes, it's still rough out there for miners, but when you think nothing's looking up, look down. More >


Graphene: Thinnest Material Ever Made
Source: The Economic Times  (12/10/12)
"Sheets of it are only one atom thick. Expect it in a gadget near you within five years." More >

Rick Mills' Secret to Making Money off China's Stealth Metal Demand
Source: Sally Lowder of The Critical Metals Report  (12/4/12)
When it comes to supply and demand dynamics, Publisher Rick Mills does his own math. China may make a show of its alleged copper surplus and Germany may downplay its need for efficient energy sources, but Mills foresees demand spikes in a number of specialty metals. In this interview with The Critical Metals Report, Mills discusses the positions he's establishing while looming supply shortages remain under the mainstream radar. More >

HREE bost

China's Subsidies Give HREE Prices a Boost
Source: Stuart Burns, MetalMiner  (12/3/12)
"Prices for heavy rare earths have not just stopped falling, but started moving up again." More >

Ray Will

Will China's Trade Agenda Squeeze Fluorspar Supply?
Source: Peter Byrne of The Critical Metals Report  (11/27/12)
One of the world's leading experts on industrial chemicals explains the convoluted market for fluorspar, a component of many household products. In this interview with The Critical Metals Report, IHS Chemical's Ray Will explains how a rebound of the global supply of fluorspar is tied to the fluctuating trade agenda of the mineral's largest consumer, China. Learn why Canada and Mexico are poised to increase production of the valuable raw material using previously abandoned mines and new technologies. More >


Three Sharp Pencils in the Graphite Game
Source: Mickey Fulp, Mercenary Geologist  (11/26/12)
"Graphite is next in line for a commodity boom." More >

Gareth Hatch

Gareth Hatch: Supply Chain Economics Drive Rare Earths Stocks
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Critical Metals Report  (11/20/12)
There are few mining sectors where chemistry, metallurgy and the supply chain meet in such a complex yet potentially profitable way as rare earths. Companies must keep an eye perpetually toward the future, making prescient judgments about end-user demands and constantly evolving technologies. In this interview with The Critical Metals Report, Gareth Hatch, founding principal of Technology Metals Research and president and director of Innovation Metals Corp., gives an update about which projects are closest to production and which have the right recipe to entice customers. More >


Does China Really Want a Rare Earth Monopoly?
Source: Hongpo Shen, ProEdge Wire  (11/19/12)
"China's rare earth White Paper notes that China 'hopes countries and regions with abundant REE reserves will make active efforts in developing their own resources.'" More >

Global Copper Production Under Stress
Source: Rick Mills, Ahead of the Herd  (11/14/12)
"Increasingly we will see falling average grades being mined, mines becoming deeper, more remote and come with increased political and nationalization risk." More >

Mickey Fulp

Why Copper Is a Critical Metal: Mickey Fulp
Source: JT Long of The Critical Metals Report  (11/13/12)
Copper is often referred to as "Dr Copper," the metal with a PhD in economics. Yet most analysts don't view it as a critical metal. In this interview with The Critical Metals Report, Mickey Fulp, author of The Mercenary Geologist, gives his thoughts on why the experts are wrong and why copper should be considered a critical metal. More >

Chris Berry

Chris Berry: Who's Ahead in the Graphite Race?
Source: The Critical Metals Report Editors  (11/6/12)
Chris Berry is not only unconcerned with graphite's price softness—he's even more confident in his long-term "super cycle" thesis. But not many graphite companies are ready to supply a global market that is hungry for high-end technology and energy efficiency. In this interview with The Critical Metals Report, Berry tells us what to look for in a graphite mining stock and identifies companies ahead of the curve. More >

Christopher Ecclestone

A Critical Metals Mixed Bag: Chris Ecclestone
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Critical Metals Report  (10/30/12)
A flood of companies scrambled to capitalize on the rare earths space, overpopulating the sector with too many losing bets, according to Chris Ecclestone, a mining strategist with Hallgarten & Co. in London. Now, a downturn in the sector should reveal which companies have the pedigree to make it to production, Ecclestone says. In this exclusive Critical Metals Report interview, learn which other metals and minerals are getting the market's attention with positive fundamentals. More >

SA Gold Mines Resume Production as Strikes Draw to Close
Source: Mining Weekly, Natasha Odendaal  (10/29/12)
"The illegal strikes that spread throughout the South African mining sector have eased at three gold producers as workers returned and some mines resumed production." More >

The Five-Minute Minute Guide to the Rare Earth Metal ETF
Source: Carolyn Pairit, Seeking Alpha  (10/29/12)
"While there are a few major publicly traded rare earth miners in the U.S., the space remains fraught with individual company risk. As a result, many investors should take a closer look at this fund." More >


Three Tech Breakthroughs for Graphene Investors
Source: Josh Grasmick, The Penny Sleuth  (10/26/12)
"Just in the month of October, three breakthroughs have proved how graphene isn't just opening new possibilities. . .it's closing in on tangible results." More >

Recycle Critical Metals

Ames Laboratory Improving Process to Recycle Rare-Earth Materials
Source:   (10/24/12)
"Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory are working to more effectively remove the neodymium, a rare earth element, from the mix of other materials in a magnet." More >

Mike Niehuser

Going with Your Gut on Rare Earth Stocks: Mike Niehuser
Source: The Critical Metals Report Editors  (10/23/12)
Mike Niehuser isn't a rare earth expert per se, but the Beacon Rock Research founder says many of the same investment principles hold true for resource stocks across sectors. At the end of the day, all resource stocks, rare earth plays included, are story stocks, and it takes intuition to buy or sell successfully. In this exclusive interview with The Critical Metals Report, Niehuser tells the spellbinding stories of two promising rare earth companies. More >

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"I continue to like SEA a lot for the environment I see ahead."
– Brien Lundin, Gold Newsletter (Jefferson Financial)

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