
Streetwise Critical Metals / Other Metals Articles


Brent Cook's Primer on Reading Drill Result Press Releases
Source: JT Long of The Gold Report  (5/20/13)
"Half science, half art, half luck," is how Brent Cook describes a geologist's work in distinguishing an anomaly from a deposit. But in his interview with The Gold Report,
the publisher of Exploration Insights suggests investors will have an easier time distinguishing good drill results from bad if they know how to dissect a company's press releases. And despite the current preference for cost cutting over discovery, Cook discusses several miners whose futures are bright.
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rare earth salmon sperm

Salmon Sperm May Provide Cheap Option for Rare Earths Recovery
Source: Dorothy Kosich, Mineweb  (5/20/13)
"Dried salmon milt or sperm is a low-cost and environment-friendly method to extract rare earth metals." More >

Thibaut Lepouttre

Caesars Report's Second Most Important Factor in Picking a Winning Mining Investment: Jurisdiction
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (5/17/13)
Jurisdiction risk continues to grow as a result of countries attempting to capitalize on higher commodity prices. In this interview for The Gold Report,Thibaut Lepouttre, editor of Caesars Report, a newsletter and mining portal in Belgium, discusses which jurisdictions offer better value to investors and which countries to avoid. He also offers suggestions on where to look outside of North America for compelling values in junior mining. More >


Tips for Diversifying Beyond Gold from Brent Cook
Source: JT Long of The Metals Report  (5/14/13)
Last month's landslide at Utah's Bingham Canyon, one of the world's largest copper mines, triggered significant discussion on possible copper shortages. Brent Cook, veteran geologist and publisher of Exploration Insights, puts the landslide into perspective in this interview with The Metals Report. And for investors who want to dig out profit potential beyond the yellow metal, Cook gives us a byproduct primer and suggests base metals are a great way to diversify. More >


Best Investments 2013: How the Mining Mess Will Send Platinum Soaring
Source: Tony Daltorio, Money Morning  (5/10/13)
"While platinum's long-term outlook is bright, a short-term price catalyst is about to take place, as early as this week." More >

Lawrence Roulston

The Real Reason Gold Fell—and Why It Has Already Stabilized: Lawrence Roulston
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (5/8/13)
Things are upside down in the gold market. Valuations are irrationally low, while global consumerism fuels demand and supply comes up short. Lawrence Roulston, editor and publisher of Resource Opportunities, advises people to trust their guts as well as the numbers when weeding through prospective investments. In this interview with The Gold Report,
he skirts around conspiracy theories regarding the recent gold sell-off and keeps his advice simple: lower expectations, get rid of poorly performing investments and load up on the companies going cheap. If you push against the trend, you might come out with your feet on the ground.
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Richard Karn

Richard Karn: New Mining Technology Could Increase Profits
Source: JT Long of The Metals Report  (5/7/13)
The need for low-cost production may prove to be the mother of invention, argues Emerging Trends Report Editor Richard Karn. Although miners are far more technologically conservative than oil producers, today's tough financing environment may prompt technological advancements in a sector that has historically approached processing "with brute force rather than finesse," says Karn. In this interview with The Metals Report, Karn explores the possibilities for technological advancement in the mining space and tells us how we could (theoretically) reach a state of "resource equilibrium." More >

Special Report from the SME Conference: How to Find Money in Any Market
Source: JT Long of The Gold Report  (5/6/13)
Money: Mining companies need it and investors want to know that companies will use that money to make them money. An innovative conference sponsored by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration (SME), called "Current Trends in Mining Finance—An Executive's Guide: What Are Lenders, Investors Looking For?", brought together about 145 experts who were actively funding and running companies—and looking for answers. In this interview with The Gold Report,
SME Executive Director David Kanagy and Conference Co-Chair Tim Alch share some insights about alternative funding that could help more companies survive the year.
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Luisa Moreno

Luisa Moreno: Brace Yourself for Three More Years of Heavy Rare Earth Shortages
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (4/30/13)
Rare earth elements are a crucial component of our everyday lives, but many of the companies unearthing them are still learning to navigate the supply chain. Those that can master the dance of metallurgy and end-user relationships will find success, says Luisa Moreno, a senior research analyst with Euro Pacific in Toronto. In this interview with The Metals Report, Moreno updates us on which miners are making the most progress. More >

Bob Moriarty

Bob Moriarty: US Energy Self-Sufficiency Nothing But 'Feel-Good BS'
Source: JT Long of The Energy Report  (4/30/13)
What the "tree huggers" don't realize, says founder Bob Moriarty, is that "the BMWs they drive to anti-Keystone protests need fuel." But the pipeline supporters who expect that fuel to come from American sources are just as delusional, Moriarty asserts in his scathing interview with The Energy Report. That's why he's looking beyond North America for lucrative oil plays. Find out which international producers may be ideally positioned to supply an energy-hungry U.S., and why Moriarty believes oil should be taxed "to the limit." More >

Anorthosite: What It Is and Why You Should Care
Source: Sally Lowder of The Metals Report  (4/23/13)
Copper and nickel are two metals modern society cannot get enough of, but there is not enough to go around, says Rick Mills, publisher of Ahead of the Herd. Add in mounting production costs and you have a supply-and-demand disaster in the making. But when it comes to making fiberglass and aluminum, Mills says in this interview with The Metals Report that he sees a revolution in the making, and its name is anorthosite. More >

Peter Rose

Can Equities Cushion the Blow of Falling Gold Prices?: Peter Rose
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report   (4/19/13)
The recent fall in precious metals prices has investors on edge. Many precious metals equities were hurting even before the latest precious metals drop. In this interview with The Gold Report, Peter Rose, head of mining research with Fox-Davies Capital Ltd. in London, provides a European perspective on mining and advises looking at under-appreciated jurisdictions (think Europe) and neglected metals like tin, lead and zinc.
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Bingham Canyon Mine Landslide

How One Slip Can Create a Copper Supply Emergency
Source: Frank Holmes, Frank Talk  (4/18/13)
"The landslide in Utah is just one example of how quickly and unexpectedly the supply and demand factors facing the red metal can shift." More >

Gregory Dorsey

These Three Triggers Will Produce a Resurgence in Natural Resources Prices: Greg Dorsey
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report   (4/17/13)
Three trends will light a fire under natural resource prices and equities in the coming years, according Greg Dorsey, editor of Leeb's Real World Investing. Buying small- to mid-cap equities now and holding them as a long-term option against the metal price is a winning strategy, whether you are talking about gold, silver, copper, platinum or palladium. In this interview with The Gold Report, Dorsey shares the names of favorite companies that could profit from the expected surge. More >

Ken Chernin

Tungsten Enters the Limelight with Bullish Fundamentals: Ken Chernin
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report   (4/16/13)
Location, processing and capital can make the tungsten market a tough place to be, but dwindling supply and insubstantial production indicate a coming price swing. In this interview with The Metals Report, Ken Chernin, equity research analyst with Jennings Capital, talks about why investors have ignored tungsten in the past and which companies could be a "tungsten global force." More >


Resource Sector Paradigm Shift
Source: Eric Coffin, HRA Journal  (4/15/13)
"I still think discoveries are the best path to salvation for individual companies and perhaps the broader sector. Maybe gold gets a big bounce in the next few weeks but with the drubbing everyone has taken I don't see traders heavily on the bid unless higher gold prices are already in the rear view mirror." More >


How to Double Your Money by Investing in Copper
Source: Money Morning Staff Reports  (4/3/13)
"With copper, peak inventory levels are usually hit before a price rebound¬—sometimes with prices doubling in less than six months." More >

gold exploration

The Basics of Investing in Junior Mining Companies
Source: Scott Wright, Zeal Intelligence  (4/1/13)
"A junior gold producer is a publicly traded company that mines gold at an annual rate of up to about 150 Koz." More >

The DoD's 'About Face' on REEs
Source: Shane Lasley, Mining News  (4/1/13)
"In a 189-page report, the DoD recommends investing $130M to establish near-term strategic stockpiles of seven rare earth elements." More >

rare earth elements

Postcards from the Rare Earth Front
Source: Joseph Sternberg, Wall Street Journal  (3/27/13)
"Scientists in Tokyo last week announced they have identified new deposits of so-called rare-earth metals some six kilometers below the ocean surface. " More >

Chris Berry

Four Billion Reasons REEs and Graphite Will Make You Money: Chris Berry
Source: JT Long of The Metals Report  (3/26/13)
Self-help manuals tell us that what we focus on, we manifest. This is certainly true for rare earth elements enthusiast Chris Berry. Where some see a spiraling global economy and stagnation, Berry sees an emerging world with four billion people hungry for new technologies in which graphite and rare earth elements play a big part. In this interview with The Metals Report, Berry describes what he calls the changing complexion of the commodity super cycle and names a few companies to start focusing on. Get Berry's energy-metals outlook in his recent Energy Report interview. More >

REE supply chain

Strategic Mineral Advisory Council Calls for US REE Supply Chain
Source: Dorothy Kosich, Mineweb  (3/25/13)
"The Strategic Mineral Advisory Council is encouraging the U.S. Department of Defense to nurture a U.S.-based REE supply chain." More >

Joachim Berlenbach

20 Million—Why Is this Number Critical for Copper?
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (3/19/13)
For resource expert Joachim Berlenbach, fund adviser with Switzerland's Earth Resource Investment Group, copper is shining brighter than gold—he even does some back-of-the-envelope calculations to show how global development could create a serious supply bottleneck. In his first Metals Report interview, Berlenbach calls on investors to up their risk appetites and fund mine development, providing some straightforward metrics to weigh the odds. More >

graphene 101

Everything You Need to Know About Graphene
Source: Michael Robinson, Money Morning  (3/18/13)
"We simply cannot get to the next level in a tech-oriented world without having the new materials to help us do so." More >

Mining Bill Brings Iron Ore Back to Wisconsin
Source: Dorothy Kosich, Mineweb  (3/11/13)
"Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said Thursday he will sign Senate Bill One, which sets the wheels in motion to bring back iron ore mining to the Badger State." More >

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