
Streetwise Critical Metals / Other Metals Articles


China to Begin Trial Run of Rare Earth Products Exchange
Source: Dorothy Kosich, Mineweb   (8/12/13)
"Rare earth trading systems are currently undergoing testing and are expected to become operational in China in October." More >

Dan Hrushewsky: Low-Cost, High-Margin Mining in West Africa
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (8/7/13)
AfricaThere are two things investors pay too much attention to, according to Jennings Capital Analyst Dan Hrushewsky: metals prices and grade. Why? Extremes of low and high prices never last, and high grades don't always make for economic deposits. In this interview with The Gold Report, Hrushewsky explains the metrics behind his all-in cash cost estimates and profiles West African projects that are connecting the dots. More >

Jocelyn August

Eight Catalysts That Can Move Your Mining Stocks: Jocelyn August
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (8/6/13)
Catalysts can move mining equities substantially up or down, so being aware of upcoming news and events is key to portfolio management. Sagient Research's Jocelyn August advises investors to look for miners with good management teams that are transparent in their announcements and consistently meet their deadlines. In this interview with The Metals Report, August outlines the eight biggest catalysts in the mining space and discusses companies with anticipated near-term catalysts. More >

rare earth element supply

Counterpoint: Supply and Demand in the Rare-Earths Market 2015–2020
Source: Jack Lifton, Technology Metals Research  (8/1/13)
"In the rare-earth total supply chain, China is most of the global ball game." More >

Chris Berry

Chris Berry: Rare Earth Stocks Show Signs of Life, but Will the Uptrend Stick?
Source: Alec Gimurtu of The Metals Report  (7/30/13)
Prices for rare earths and some rare earth mining stocks are showing positive price action following China's crackdown on illegal mines. But is this the beginning of a sustained recovery, or just a temporary blip on the screen? House Mountain Partners founder Chris Berry explores these questions in this interview with The Metals Report and shares his macroeconomic outlook. As Berry reminds us, V-shaped recoveries are preferred, but rare. That means investors must cultivate patience and courage. More >

mine aerial view

Now Is the Time to Build New Mines, But It Ain't That Easy
Source: Lawrence Williams, Mineweb  (7/29/13)
"Financial analysis suggest now is the ideal to start work on mega mining projects before price cycles turn up again, but this is easier said than done." More >

Jeb Handwerger

Could Small Modular Reactors Goose Uranium Prices?
Source: Tom Armistead of The Energy Report  (7/23/13)
Nuclear power is the best option for clean base-load power generation, according to Gold Stock Trades Editor Jeb Handwerger. As proof, he points to signs that even environmentalists are beginning to favor it. Meanwhile, uranium stocks are rising and large nuclear construction programs overseas should keep upward pressure on them. But as Handwerger explains in this interview with The Energy Report, the future of nuclear power generation may lie with small modular reactors, and the U.S. is leading their development. More >

Ron Struthers

Ron Struthers: Have Flake Graphite Prices Bottomed?
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (7/23/13)
After a spike in flake graphite in 2011, have prices finally reached bottom? Ron Struthers, the publisher and editor of Struthers' Resource Stock Report, believes so. In this interview with The Metals Report, Struthers talks about how market psychology and fundamentals may play out in the graphite and rare earths spaces as new mines inch toward production. More >

Alex Knox

The Results Are (Almost) In for Rare Earth Competitors: Alex Knox
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (7/16/13)
Western rare earth companies are in a conditioning period, optimizing on every front to get the leanest capital costs possible. In the next six months, Geologist Alex Knox expects a big shakeout across the rare earth space as companies release amended PEAs and feasibility studies. "That," says Knox in this interview with The Metals Report, "is when smart investors will be able to look at the numbers and pick out the winners." Knox helps us jump the gun by identifying companies with lean, mean stats. More >

Stephan Bogner

Why Stephan Bogner Believes You Should Be 100% Invested in Precious Metals
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (7/15/13)
Now is the time to be brave, to buy when everyone else is selling, advises Stephan Bogner, analyst with Rockstone Research and CEO of bullion dealer Elementum International. Content to go against the grain, Bogner believes investors should be 100% invested in precious metals, both in physical metals and equities. He is interested not only in companies that are profitable now but also in ones that will someday be in the black again. In this interview with The Gold Report, he describes his ideal portfolio, which includes companies operating in far-flung places. More >

conflict minerals

Survey: Companies 'Utterly Unprepared' for SEC Conflict Minerals Compliance
Source: Dorothy Kosich, Mineweb  (7/15/13)
"The PwC survey determined that the single biggest challenge for companies is getting accurate information from their suppliers." More >

Jack Lifton

A Radical Solution for the Rare Earth Supply Crunch: Jack Lifton
Source: Alec Gimurtu of The Metals Report  (7/9/13)
Iron miners don't make cars, so why should rare earth miners make magnets? According to longtime rare earth expert/consultant Jack Lifton, "mine to magnet" vertical integration strategies are little more than pie in the sky schemes. But Lifton just might have the perfect solution for the world's rare earth element supply problems. In this interview with The Metals Report, Lifton tells us how a non-Chinese international rare earth toll refinery would get separated rare earths downstream more efficiently, while simplifying miners' business plans. Find out which companies could be part of the solution. More >

John Kaiser

John Kaiser's Strategies for Success in a Bloody Market
Source: JT Long of The Gold Report  (7/8/13)
With so many junior mining companies going into hibernation, John Kaiser of Kaiser Research Online fears that the entire mining sector could fall dormant. In this interview with The Gold Report, he outlines approaches to discovery and development that smart, nimble companies are deploying to stay alive. Whether precious, base or critical metals, or in jurisdictions as exotic as Morocco and as familiar as Nevada, these are the basics required for survival in today's brutal market.
More >

China Rare earth export quotas 2013

China Releases Second Round of 2013 REE Export Quotas
Source: Gareth Hatch, Technology Metals Research  (7/8/13)
"Last week, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) announced the second round of allocations of rare-earth export quotas for 2013." More >

Christopher Ecclestone

Chris Ecclestone: What M&A Deals Reveal About Management—and if They're Worth Your Investment Dollars
Source: Alec Gimurtu of The Metals Report  (7/2/13)
"Obvious" or "huh/what?"—these are the two types of merger and acquisition deals, according to Hallgarten & Co. Principal Analyst Chris Ecclestone. In this wide-ranging interview with The Metals Report, Ecclestone discusses the anatomy of a mining deal, a few strategic metals stories flying under the radar and Soros Fund's latest maneuver in the metals market. Along the way, he skewers management teams that cut costs everywhere except the corner office while spending billions on mega-mines with no future. More >

Stefan Ioannou

China, Base Metal Tiger, Sets the Trend for Metals: Stefan Ioannou
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (7/1/13)
Industrial metal prices have struggled to find firm footing. Stefan Ioannou of Haywood Securities tees up near-, medium- and long-term scenarios for three industrial metals—copper, zinc and nickel—and explains why he is most enthusiastic about zinc. In this interview with The Gold Report, Ioannou discusses companies that stand to benefit from the coming supply squeezes and China's role as both supplier and consumer of all three metals. More >

REE price jump

Rare Earth Price Jump: Just the Beginning?
Source: Shivom Seth, Mineweb  (7/1/13)
"Prices for the 17 elements have jumped 10% over the past two weeks." More >

midnight mining

What China's Crackdown on 'Midnight Mining' Means for REE Projects
Source: Jack Lifton, Technology Metals Research  (6/20/13)
"The rare earth mining industry will be saddled with permanent increased operation costs." More >

Andrew Richards

Seven Australian Companies to Survive a Metals Market Correction
Source: Kevin Michael Grace of The Metals Report   (6/18/13)
Australian mining companies have been hard hit by falling commodities prices and rising costs. But Petra Capital Analyst Andrew Richards believes his country's resource sector has turned a corner. In this interview with The Metals Report, Richards says that costs are falling and China's need for Australian metals will continue to grow. He also names companies that are well positioned to flourish in the near future. More >

Chinese flag

Some Like It Hot: Lisa Morrison on the Outlook for Industrial Metals
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (6/11/13)
Commodities may have broken out of a commodity supercycle and could be hitting a cyclical trough. Lisa Morrison, the principal consultant of CRU Group in Philadelphia, analyzes the price outlook for 26 commodities over the next four years and gives them a temperature rating from hot to freezing. In this interview with The Metals Report, Morrison, using this rating methodology, details which commodities she expects to offer the best upside for investors and which to avoid. More >

Chinese flag

China Planning New Rare Earth Crackdowns
Source: Dorothy Kosich, Mineweb  (6/7/13)
"China accounted for more than 85% of global rare earth production last year, also accounting for 70% of global consumption." More >

Lisa Reisman

The Conflict over Conflict Metals: Lisa Reisman
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (6/4/13)
Much has been said of the massive scope of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, and Lisa Reisman, managing editor of, sees opportunity in the controversial provisions governing conflict minerals. In this interview with The Metals Report, Reisman discusses how companies are dealing with the new requirements and names companies closest to production in the crucial tantalum, tungsten and tin space. More >

Copper pipes

The Copper–S&P 500 Disconnect
Source: Scott Wright, Zeal Intelligence  (5/31/13)
"No longer just a boring industrial metal, copper is a flamboyant asset that has made fortunes for investors and speculators." More >

Simon Moores

Flake Graphite Prices Have Bottomed: Simon Moores
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (5/28/13)
Growth potential among end-users and underinvestment on the supply side makes graphite an obvious go-long play, according to Simon Moores, manager of Industrial Minerals Data. China's consolidation of graphite production plays a role in that scenario. Now is the time to look for responsible junior graphite miners that base their economics on current (lower) prices, says Moores in this interview with The Metals Report. More >

George Topping - 11-30-16 now Industrial Alliance

How George Topping Is Profiting from Copper Price Volatility
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Metals Report  (5/21/13)
Everything you thought you knew about copper is wrong. Is it an economic barometer? Nope. Do copper warehouses decrease volatility? Hardly. Can investors play small-cap base metals producers for profit? You bet. These are the conclusions Analyst George Topping shared with us in his interview with The Metals Report. Find out why Doctor Copper just might be stripped of its credentials and whether you should trade in your gold for platinum group metals. More >

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