But isn't gold just a useless pretty rock? Obviously not, as central banks, wealthy investors and corporations have been buying gold right up to this date. Gold has proven an essential central bank asset to protect against currency fluctuations and confidence in the banking system.
Since 1981, houses in Australia are up at least 1,700% (17x) and yet gold is only up 47% since 1980 (as of September 13, 2010) even though gold was at a record high in early 1980. Gold reached its low of US$252.45 in August 1999, making a second low at US$254.35 during February 2001. I was there in 2001 investing in gold stocks and trying to highlight the opportunity to everybody around me. Eventually, I started work on GoldOz in early 2006 in frustration that few, if any, would listen.
I was also there in the second half of 2003 buying silver and, again, nobody would listen to me. It was under US$5 at the time. So, how well have Australian gold stocks performed since then? Australia's largest gold company, Newcrest Mining Ltd., sold as low as A$3 in April 2001 and reached A$40.50 in March 2008. That is a 1,250% profit.
Oz Minerals Ltd., Bolnisi Gold Ltd., Kingsgate Consolidated and many other Australian gold stocks have done even better from low to high. Educated investors have made staggering profits in the last decade. Do you want to protect your wealth and/or make excellent investment gains over the duration of this gold bull market?
Did you watch the dot-com bubble? Most of the gains happened in the latter stages. Did you watch the last gold bull that ran from 1971–1980? Remember, gold was fixed at US$35 an ounce until 1971 and the Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker was able to push interest rates to 21.5% to deal with inflation at that time. This measure is unavailable to Ben Bernanke, who now faces the largest global debt bubble in recorded history.
The '70s bull run was abbreviated due to the gold fix (to 1971). The problems back then had been brewing for several years before 1971; therefore, if gold had not been fixed, it would have been moving upward strongly years earlier. Financial-asset bull markets commonly run for about 20 years, and then reverse for a similar amount of time. These counter cycles are when gold really shines. Financial analysis tells us this gold bull will run for the next 5–10 years taking this rally out to a similar timeframe. Will gold stocks do as well or better in the last half of this (secular/long term) rally?
Gold stocks ran up the hardest, producing unbelievable gains from the second half of the '70s. Many stocks rallied from under $0.50 to hundreds of dollars per share. Gold ran as hard as it did in the seventies due to a lack of both faith and confidence in the financial markets of the time. This is just what we face now. Ask yourself: Do you think that debt creation can really cure a debt crisis? Clearly, this is ridiculous—such measures can only buy time and makes the problem worse. This is exactly like giving $100,000 credit limit American Express card to a family that has maxed out their other credit cards, has a massive mortgage and expensive car payments it cannot manage. It buys them time and makes their debt and eventual default even worse.
Of course, whole nations cannot go bankrupt; but they can, and do, default and need restructuring. The turmoil this creates is on a much greater scale. Fortunately, in the past, this has been a rare occurrence; however, unfortunately, now several countries face such a risk at the same time. All the fuss about Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Italy is only the beginning of this process. Japanese government debt is twice as bad as Greece and similar to some states in the U.S.
Stimulus money has to come from somewhere—it has to be paid back. Government borrowing more money it doesn't have to stimulate a sick economy creates more debt. This crisis will not go away quickly. The worst is yet to come. The best is yet to unfold for investors who buy gold, silver and the companies that mine them. The future Bolnisi Gold companies are now some of the juniors, developers and emerging producers.
Do you want in? Do you really trust governments and politicians? Will they bail you out or will they bail out themselves and the banks? Who will bail you out if they don't? I will tell you—only you can protect yourself. As long as this debt crisis lasts gold will be bid, gold will rise. Selecting gold stocks that will produce the stellar gains seen in the second half of the '70s gold boom is an art—luck will not suffice. The answer is to get information—the best you can get.
Get educated. We hope you can prosper during the difficult times ahead. Now you have to look at timing and that comes down to top-down analysis or world events in financial markets.
Good trading / investing,
Neil Charnock
GoldOz has now introduced a major point of difference to many services. We offer a newsletter, database and gold stock comparison tools plus special interest files on gold companies and investment topics. We have expertise in debt markets and gold equities which gives us a strong edge as independent analysts and market commentators. GoldOz also has free access area on the history of gold, links to Australian gold stocks and miners plus many other resources.
Neil Charnock is not a registered investment advisor. He is an experienced private investor who, in addition to his essay publication offerings, has now assembled a highly experienced panel to assist in the presentation of various research information services. The opinions and statements made in the above publication are the result of extensive research and are believed to be accurate and from reliable sources. The contents are his current opinion only, further more conditions may cause these opinions to change without notice. The insights herein published are made solely for international and educational purposes. The contents in this publication are not to be construed as solicitation or recommendation to be used for formulation of investment decisions in any type of market whatsoever. WARNING share market investment or speculation is a high-risk activity. Investors enter such activity at their own risk and must conduct their own due diligence to research and verify all aspects of any investment decision, if necessary seeking competent professional assistance.