Lauren McConnell
Recent Quotes
"LGD submitted the draft mine plan of operations for Black Pine."
Lauren McConnell, Paradigm Capital
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"LGD intends to spin out [the] Goldstrike/Antimony Ridge project."
Lauren McConnell, Paradigm Capital
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"LGD remains a favorite in the Takeover Twenty, currently at No. 4."
Lauren McConnell, Paradigm Capital
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"LGD released positive drill assay results from Black Pine's Rangefront."
Lauren McConnell, Paradigm Capital
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"We believe the resource at LGD's Black Pine will grow beyond 5 Moz."
Lauren McConnell, Paradigm Capital
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"LGD's Black Pine shows mineralization outside the current resource."
Lauren McConnell, Paradigm Capital
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"LGD's Black Pine is a strategically appealing project for investors."
Lauren McConnell, Paradigm Capital
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"We initiate coverage on LGD with a Speculative Buy rating."
Lauren McConnell, Paradigm Capital
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