
Streetwise Critical Metals / Other Metals Articles

Thinking Outside the Commodity Box: Benchmark's Investment Primer for Lithium, Cobalt and Graphite
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (8/10/15)
It's often difficult to understand the global markets for critical minerals so The Gold Report narrowed it to three—lithium, cobalt and graphite—and brought in Simon Moores, managing director of London-based Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, and the firm's analyst, Andrew Miller, to provide insight into minerals that they say need to shed their labels as traditional commodities and embrace their future as niche, raw-material solutions for a growing list of technology manufacturers. As Benchmark prepares to embark on its World Tour, Moores and Miller discuss supply chain visibility and the impact of disruptive technologies on these markets, as well as companies seeking to leverage lithium, cobalt and graphite into investable business models that will lure investors with a long-term outlook. More >

Andrew Kaip

BMO's Andrew Kaip: The Gold Majors Are Back
Source: Kevin Michael Grace of The Gold Report  (7/30/15)
Andrew Kaip, managing director of mining equity research at BMO Capital Markets, does not expect near-term higher prices for gold or silver. However, due to continuing cost cutting and other efficiencies, he argues that the senior gold producers can now make profits above $1,100/oz gold. In this interview with The Gold Report, Kaip names two seniors as Sector Outperformers, and touts the virtues of a half-dozen undervalued near-term gold and silver producers. More >

Luisa Moreno

Luisa Moreno Explains Why Metallurgy Is So Important in Critical Metals Projects
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (7/23/15)
Luisa Moreno, managing partner and analyst with Toronto-based Tahuti Global, says there are many things investors must pay attention to when it comes to critical metals projects, but nothing should trump metallurgy. That's because no two deposits are precisely the same, and having a clear understanding of how to economically recover those metals and get them into end-users' hands is usually the difference between higher share prices and failure. In this interview with The Gold Report, Moreno discusses several companies developing critical metals deposits with established metallurgy and other attributes that put them on the path to success. More >

Raymond Goldie

Salman Partners Economist Calls Bottom in Copper
Source: JT Long of The Gold Report  (7/20/15)
Experienced investors know that commodities and equities move in cycles, and understanding where copper, iron ore, nickel and zinc are in the cycle can result in much smarter decisions than blindly following the pack. In this interview with The Gold Report, Salman Partners Vice President of Commodity Economics Raymond Goldie brings some perspective to the charts and names the junior mining companies that could ride the inevitable waves up. More >

Stefan Ioannou

Stefan Ioannou's Ways to Ride the Next Zinc and Nickel Waves
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (7/16/15)
Base metals prices are feeling the undertow but Stefan Ioannou, mining analyst with Haywood Securities, says that this is temporary—and that investors may not have to wait long for the next wave of higher zinc and nickel prices. Ioannou says zinc prices could even reach "bonanza" prices over the medium term. Nickel prices, meanwhile, could rebound as quickly as late 2015. In this interview with The Gold Report, Ioannou discusses some equities well positioned to ride the base metals waves as they come in cycles. More >


Nine Companies Brent Cook Expects to See on the Other Side of the Gold Market Wasteland
Source: JT Long of The Gold Report  (7/13/15)
Markets are cyclical and even though it feels like the end of the world after years of junior resource stock market declines, history indicates that bear markets are actually an opportunity to own tomorrow's superstars for pennies on the dollar. In this interview with The Gold Report, market veteran and Exploration Insights author Brent Cook shares his travel stories and the companies he thinks will shine when the sun returns to commodity prices. More >

Paul Renken

Paul Renken's Gold, Graphite and REE Names Poised for Gains
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (6/22/15)
Paul Renken, mining analyst with London-based VSA Capital, spends much of his time researching small and micro-cap resource equities and the commodities central to their business models so we don't have to. In this interview with The Gold Report, Renken suggests some of his favorite graphite and rare earth names, as well as a handful of gold equity picks. More >

Geordie Mark

Geordie Mark Focuses on Miners Making Money at $1,200/oz Gold
Source: Kevin Michael Grace of The Gold Report  (6/18/15)
Gold producers certainly needed a break, and now they have two, reports Haywood Securities Mining Analyst Geordie Mark. Much lower energy costs and the strength of the U.S. dollar mean that producers can and do make money at $1,200 per ounce gold. In this interview with The Gold Report, Mark touts the virtues of three multi-mine producers that have exploited their free cash flow to expand their operations and make prudent acquisitions. And he highlights two near-term producers in Africa that should soon produce good margins and reward shareholders. More >

Chris Berry Michael Berry

Chris and Michael Berry: What the Boomers Got Wrong—and Right—About Natural Resource Investing
Source: JT Long of The Gold Report   (6/15/15)
What do Gen Xers not understand about value investing? What can Millennials learn from today's resource investors? In anticipation of Father's Day, The Gold Report, quizzed Chris and Dr. Michael Berry, authors of the Disruptive Discoveries Journal, on how investing has changed over the years in the gold, silver, niche metals and energy space, and what they are investing in today to make sure they survive to see the next cycle. More >

Gwen  Preston

Why Gwen Preston Is Buckling Her Seat Belt for What Could Be an Interesting Summer
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (6/11/15)
The summer months are the time to establish positions in the "best of the best" at valuations the mining sector has not witnessed in 20 years, says Gwen Preston, editor and publisher of Resource Maven, a subscriber-based junior mining newsletter. She doesn't know if the mining stock rally will start this summer but that really doesn't matter—what matters is that we are at the bottom. In this interview with The Gold Report, Preston says if the TSX Venture Exchange starts to see gains over the summer months, buckle your seat belts because that's a sure sign that the long-anticipated stock rally has begun. More >

Hard-Core Investors Found Real Resource Projects in a Vancouver Conference Center
Source: JT Long, The Gold Report  (6/8/15)
When the market bears are growling, contemplating a trip to a showcase of the companies currently in the grip of that punishment can seem daunting, but resource experts say now is exactly the time hard-core investors need to be out talking to management, hearing their stories and figuring out which companies will be on top when the good times come. The Gold Report spoke to some of the experts at the recent Metals Forum and Cambridge House Vancouver Resource Investment conferences, who shared some of the nuggets they gleaned from the podium and exhibit hall. More >

Richard Karn

Three Australian Miners Richard Karn Believes Are Positioned for Success
Source: Special to The Gold Report  (6/1/15)
Despite the collapse in broad commodity prices, numerous specialty metal prices have held or even gone up in the last few years: companies with the potential to produce these metals couldn't attract capital, and the tightness today is now likely to become shortages tomorrow, says Richard Karn, managing editor of The Emerging Trends Report. When institutional capital eventually comes back to the sector, money will flow first to companies in or nearing production now. In this interview with The Gold Report, Karn highlights three such companies in Australia producing graphite, tungsten, rare earth elements, hafnium and other specialty metals. More >

Thibaut Lepouttre

'Lean and Mean' Is the Secret to Junior Mining Equity Success: Thibaut Lepouttre
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (5/21/15)
Thibaut Lepouttre, editor of Belgium-based Caesars Report, says the gold price is range bound and if you want to be in gold equities you have to find "lean and mean" precious metals producers that are generating cash flow or have a clear path to cash flow at $1,200 per ounce gold. Lepouttre tells investors to look for projects with economic studies demonstrating high internal rates of return, as those projects are more likely to attract financing and command a market premium. In this interview with The Gold Report, Lepouttre talks at length about some of his favorites inside and outside the gold space. More >

Ricardo Carrión Alberto Arispe

Why Ricardo Carrión and Alberto Arispe Are Optimistic About Mining in Peru
Source: Kevin Michael Grace of The Gold Report  (5/18/15)
Despite headlines about deadly protests and the collapse of funding for juniors, Ricardo Carrión and Alberto Arispe of Kallpa Securities in Lima remain steadfastly optimistic about the future of mining in Peru. In this interview with The Gold Report, Arispe and Carrión highlight the mining-friendly government, the new production from many sources and point to several juicy projects that lack only the means to further unlock Peru's mineral riches. More >

John Kaiser

Survival Guide for the Mother of All Bear Markets from Veteran Bottomfisher John Kaiser
Source: JT Long of The Mining Report  (5/5/15)
When North Americans wake up to the dangers of relying on China and Russia for essential metals like zinc, rare earths, antimony, niobium and scandium, the juniors now suffering with anemic stock prices could turn into cash producing machines worth writing home to mom about. In this frank assessment of everything from gold and diamonds to potash and zinc, Kaiser Research Online author John Kaiser names for The Mining Report readers the companies that could be swept up in a rush to security of supply. More >


Base Metal Miners Climb Back
Source: Kip Keen, Mineweb  (5/5/15)
"The climb back of both the metal and the miners validates a theme mining analysts have struck this year: to choose base over bulk mining equities, at least as performing better relatively speaking." More >

Ryan Castilloux

Why Everyone Is Talking About Scandium: Ryan Castilloux
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Gold Report  (5/4/15)
Ryan Castilloux, founding director and market research analyst with Adamas Intelligence, is getting a lot more inquiries about scandium. Investors are asking: What is scandium? How is it used? What are its growth prospects? And how can I make money in scandium? In this interview with The Gold Report, Castilloux provides an overview of the scandium market and its publicly listed players with advanced-stage projects. With one tonne of scandium fetching $5 million or more, Castilloux says those with a bullish outlook on scandium will never find a better buyer's market. More >

Duncan Hughes

Duncan Hughes: The Weak Aussie Dollar Means Strong Aussie Miners
Source: Kevin Michael Grace of The Gold Report  (4/29/15)
A weak national currency is bad news for importers and consumers but good news for exporters, such as miners. According to Australian analyst Duncan Hughes of GMP Securities, the 24% drop in the value of the Aussie dollar versus the U.S. dollar means that local gold producers can produce big margins even at US$1,200/ounce gold. In this interview with The Gold Report, Hughes names two Aussie gold miners with great cash flow, as well as several with projects in Africa, and he highlights nickel and copper companies that can expect to flourish when prices rise, as he expects they will. More >

Ryan Castilloux

Ryan Castilloux's State of the REE Market Address
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Mining Report  (4/28/15)
We are five years into this new market for rare earths: five years that dawned with higher rare earth elements prices, that unfolded with a new generation of publicly listed junior resources companies with REE properties and projects, and that saw a vicious bear market spread across the domestic and global mining sectors. But soon we will turn the page, says Ryan Castilloux, founding director and market research analyst with Adamas Intelligence, following a price rally for magnetic REEs that could regenerate investor interest and further buoy the sector. In this interview with The Mining Report, Castilloux discusses four REE projects that continue to advance, as well as companies making strides with REE extraction and separation technologies. More >


Hold the Nickel Price Elation
Source: Kip Keen, Mineweb  (4/28/15)
"For even the moderately bullish scenario to come to bear, it will be critical to see steel demand show signs of life this year—at least not drop off more than expected—in China and beyond." More >

Rupert Merer

How to Make Money in Renewable Energy: NBF's Rupert Merer
Source: Peter Byrne of The Mining Report  (4/21/15)
As the political and financial pressures on fossil fuels mount, investors are starting to explore the renewable energy space with an eye toward reaping its potential. Rupert Merer analyzes that growing energy sector for National Bank Financial and tells The Mining Report why betting on the future of renewables is a prudent strategy for profit growth. More >

Robert Simpson

The Common Man: The Case for Copper and Zinc
Source: Robert Simpson, Resource Investing News  (4/20/15)
"The only bright spots, according to recent forecasts, appear to be in base metals such as copper and zinc." More >

Chris Berry

Disruptive Stock Watcher Chris Berry Cautions Investors About the Real Potential of Deflation
Source: JT Long of The Mining Report  (4/7/15)
Where can investors turn when global quantitative easing and the Energizer Bunny of dollars is crushing commodity prices to within an inch of the junior miners' lives? In this interview with The Mining Report, Disruptive Discoveries Journal writer Chris Berry suggests dedicating yourself to understanding the technologies and paradigm shifts that can lower costs, and participating in the growing electric car and energy storage battery markets. He names some of the innovative companies that are finding new ways to separate the most valuable resources and enter the supply chain before it is too late. More >

Tony Robson Jessica Fung

Why BMO's Tony Robson and Jessica Fung Say Buy, Hold Large Caps Until Commodity Cycle Rebounds
Source: Brian Sylvester of The Mining Report  (3/31/15)
The fundamental difference between mining companies and investors is that they have very different realities in which they make investment decisions, says BMO Capital Markets Commodities Analyst Jessica Fung. She joined BMO Managing Director and Co-Head of Global Mining Research Tony Robson in a candid discussion with The Mining Report about the near- and medium-term prognosis for mining markets, as well as the outlook for copper, nickel and iron. While both Fung and Robson recommend waiting for the inevitable upturn in the commodities cycle, Robson says that in the meantime investors would do well to park their cash with some of the large, dividend-paying diversified miners until commodity prices recover, and he discusses three large caps and a couple of smaller names. More >

Simon Moores

Where Will the Graphite, Lithium and Cobalt for the Battery Revolution Come From?: Simon Moores
Source: Kevin Michael Grace of The Mining Report  (3/24/15)
Following the lead of Tesla Motors, LG Chem, Foxconn and others are racing to build megafactories to build batteries for electric cars. Yet even now the world supply of graphite, lithium and cobalt needed to supply these factories is insufficient. In this interview with The Mining Report, Simon Moores, managing director of Benchmark Mineral Intelligence, explains that we can soon expect healthy prices for all three metals, but the juniors that will succeed in the market must first and foremost learn to meet the needs of the end users. More >

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