
Streetwise Critical Metals / Other Metals Articles

Warren Buffett's Biggest Loss
Source: Tom Beck for The Gold Report  (3/20/17)
Tom Beck of Portfolio Wealth Global shares his strategy for investing in commodities. More >

Gold for Protection; This Metal for Wealth
Source: Lior Gantz for The Gold Report  (3/19/17)
Inflation has been rising at a rapid rate since the election. Not only is the CPI up, but the Dow Jones just experienced its fastest 1,000-point move in history. With the bull market in its ninth year, Lior Gantz of Wealth Research Group believes this is the time for investors to become very selective, and he points to one commodity that is experiencing very tight supply right now. More >

Trevali Proving Zinc Is Golden
Source: The Gold Report  (3/16/17)
Trevali Mining has added a portfolio of zinc assets to its already impressive resource list with the purchase of Glencore's producing Rosh Pinah and Perkoa zinc mines. More >

Thibaut Lepouttre

Darnley Bay Resources: Bringing an Old Zinc District Back to Life
Source: Thibaut Lepouttre for The Gold Report  (3/9/17)
Several zinc mines have shut down in the past few years due to depletion, and the warehouse inventory levels of the base metal have been steadily declining. The market is finally waking up and starting to look at zinc companies again. Thibaut Lepouttre of Caesars Report profiles Darnley Bay Resources, one of the companies hoping to fill the supply gap. More >

Lior Gantz

Market Euphoria, China's Dumping of Treasuries Ignite Recession Concerns
Source: Lior Gantz for The Gold Report  (3/6/17)
Citing the uncertainty caused by China dumping U.S. Treasuries, an impending debt ceiling crisis, the upcoming French elections, and more, Wealth Research Group editor Lior Gantz advises investors to make sure their portfolios are diversified.
More >

Copper Confirms the Negative Outlook for Precious Metals and Oil
Source: Clive Maund for The Gold Report  (3/3/17)
Looking at the charts, technical analyst Clive Maund sees copper "riding for a fall."
More >

Alkane Is in Position to Benefit from Hafnium Demand Rise
Source: The Gold Report  (3/2/17)
Hafnium may not be a household word, but demand for the element is growing, and Alkane Resources is gearing up to take advantage. More >

Matt Geiger

Three Outstanding Opportunities in the Natural Resources Sector
Source: Matt Geiger for The Gold Report  (2/28/17)
Aside from the exuberance surrounding the tops of bull markets, the general investment public is uninterested and underinvested in natural resource equities, says Matt Geiger, founder of MJG Capital Limited Partners. Geiger views the general apathy toward natural resources as an opportunity, and profiles three companies that he believes are in position to break away from the herd. More >

Bob Moriarty

Canada Zinc: Right Time, Right Metal
Source: Bob Moriarty for The Gold Report  (2/27/17)
321 Gold founder Bob Moriarty turns his attention to Canada Zinc, a company that has a giant zinc deposit in northern British Columbia. More >

Michael Ballanger

Remembering the Genius of Hunter S. Thompson
Source: Michael J. Ballanger for The Gold Report  (2/13/17)
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger ponders the timelessness of Hunter S. Thompson's "blistering attacks on the status quo" and their applicability to today's political landscape. He also reminds us of the "incredibly bullish" fundamentals for silver and lays out the evidence for why this precious metal is on its way to $25/ounce by mid-year. More >

Jack Chan

Jack Chan's Weekly Update on Gold and Silver
Source: Jack Chan for The Gold Report  (2/11/17)
Jack Chan charts both long- and short-term buy signals for gold and silver. More >

Trevali Is in Position to Benefit from Strong Zinc Fundamentals
Source: The Gold Report  (2/7/17)
Trevali Mining is transitioning to an owner-operator model at its Caribou zinc mine in New Brunswick, Canada, and analysts note that the company is positioned to take advantage of strong zinc fundamentals. More >

Joseph McAlinden

How to Profit from Trumponomics
Source: The Gold Report  (1/24/17)
While Donald Trump's election has altered a number of aspects of the economy, investors cannot ignore economic trends that were in place before the election, says Joe McAlinden, founder of McAlinden Research Partners and former chief global strategist with Morgan Stanley Investment Management. In this interview with The Gold Report, he discusses those trends and how they may be changed by Trump's election, why he is bullish on gold and which sectors he expects to thrive in the Trump era. More >

Dolly Varden: Exploring a High-Grade Silver District in British Columbia
Source: The Critical Investor for The Gold Report  (1/16/17)
The Critical Investor examines Dolly Varden Silver, a junior exploration company fully focusing on the Dolly Varden silver district, which is home to several former high-grade silver mines. More >

Lior Gantz

The Ultimate Resource Portfolio for 2017
Source: Lior Gantz for The Gold Report  (1/5/17)
Investors can profit in resources, says Lior Gantz, editor of Wealth Research Group, by partnering with and investing like the big players in the field. More >

Jack Chan

Jack Chan: 2016 Year-End Review and Forward Analysis for 2017
Source: Jack Chan for Streetwise Reports  (1/1/17)
Technical analyst Jack Chan looks back on the precious metals and energy markets in 2016, as well as forward into 2017. More >

Lior Gantz

These Resource Sectors Will Soar in 2017
Source: Lior Gantz for The Gold Report  (12/28/16)
A perfectly timed opportunity and a deep-value contrarian speculation are setting up in the resource sector, says Lior Gantz, editor of Wealth Research Group. More >

Adrian Day

Major Royalty Companies Are Good Buys Now
Source: Adrian Day for The Gold Report  (12/5/16)
Adrian Day reviews recent results at some of his favorite gold and silver royalty and streaming companies and asserts that they represent, as a group, the lowest risk way to gain exposure to the sector. More >

Michael Ballanger

When the Pendulum Swings
Source: Michael Ballanger for The Gold Report  (11/17/16)
Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger equates the position of the financial markets to that of a protagonist in a classic horror story and reflects on recent moves in the copper market. More >

Jack Chan

Jack Chan: This Past Week in Gold, Silver and Copper
Source: Jack Chan for The Gold Report  (11/13/16)
Technical analyst Jack Chan charts a break in copper, as well as recent movements in the gold and silver markets. More >

Copper Discovery Improves Economics of High-Grade Canyon Uranium Mine
Source: The Energy Report  (11/10/16)
Uranium companies are struggling with the weakness in the uranium market; priced below $20/lb, U3O8 is at levels not seen in well over a decade. But Energy Fuels recently announced two diversification plays that could help insulate it from low uranium prices, and analysts are applauding the news.
More >

Bob Moriarty

The Lithium Boom Has a New Player in Argentina
Source: Bob Moriarty for The Gold Report  (11/1/16)
Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold discusses a company that has hit the ground running in Argentina's lithium triangle. More >

Alkane Signs MOU with Siemens to Advance Dubbo Zirconium Project
Source: The Gold Report  (10/27/16)
Alkane Resource's flagship Dubbo Zirconium Project moved closer to production after the company announced a Memorandum of Understanding between its wholly owned subsidiary Australian Zirconia and German engineering and technology giant Siemens. More >

Ben Kramer-Miller

Globex Mining Royalty Set to Produce Major Revenue Stream
Source: Ben Kramer-Miller for The Gold Report  (10/12/16)
Ben Kramer-Miller, chief analyst at miningWEALTH, profiles Globex Mining Enterprises, which has a royalty on a zinc mine that has the potential to create a sizeable amount of cash flow. More >

Adrian Day

Two Resource Companies Advancing Toward Goals
Source: Adrian Day  (10/9/16)
Money manager Adrian Day discusses two companies in his portfolio that he says have had meaningful recent developments, both positive and negative, and that he deems good buys. More >

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– Brien Lundin, Gold Newsletter (Jefferson Financial)

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