
Ron Struthers

Struthers Resource Stock Report

Image: Ron Struthers

For 27 years, Ron Struthers, founder and editor of Struthers' Resource Stock Report and, has consistently beat the comparable benchmarks selecting stocks in the precious metals, oil & gas, clean-tech and disruptive technology sectors. In 2017, 35 stocks in the precious metals sector saw an average gain of 62% and energy clean-tech an average gain of 65%. In disruptive technology, 16 picks saw an average gain of 55%. Past performance is no guarantee of future gains. Struthers leverages his vast network of contacts, approaches investments from a value perspective seeking several 100% gain potential and uses technical analysis to aid in buy and sell levels.

Recent Articles about Cameco Corp.

Uranium/Nuclear is the Future of Energy for Cameco, Markets and Gold 05/18/2023

Ron Struthers, of Struthers Stock Reports, notes that markets are difficult as most everything is going nowhere but gyrating up and down in tight trading ranges. A handful of tech stocks have helped the main equity indexes, but even so, the S&P 500 has been bouncing mostly around between 3,900 and 4,150. The only viable way to replace the fossil fuel base load on the grid with far less carbon is nuclear, and Cameco will continue to benefit.