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Residents Oppose Mining Project in Historic Comstock Lode

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"A landmark of gold profits becomes the source of debate."

Mineweb, Dorothy Kosich

Residents of old mining communities of Virginia City, Silver City, Gold Hill and Dayton—located within the confines of the historical, world-renowned massive bonanza of the Comstock Lode—say they are opposed to an open pit mine in their district.

In its glory days, the Comstock yielded 9 Moz. of gold and 220 Moz. of silver that helped finance the Union cause during the Civil War and to build San Francisco.

However, opponents say they are opposed to an open pit mine in a historic district with a national historic landmark, Virginia City, that they feel belongs to everybody.

Members of the Comstock Residents Association say they have canvassed Virginia City and Gold Hills residents who are 20 to 1 "overwhelmingly opposed to open pit mining in the National Landmark."

That landmark just happens to be located over a vast network of historic underground mines.

"This would never be tolerated in Williamsburg or any other National Landmark, and we don't tolerate it here," the association proclaims on its website.

David Toll, a respected Nevada author whose books have highlighted Nevada mining ghost towns, is the organizer of the Comstock Residents Association. He recently told the Reno-Gazette Journal, "We're not opposed to mining. We're opposed to pit mining in the historic district."

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