
Joachim Berlenbach

Earth Resource Investment Group (ERIG)

Image: Joachim Berlenbach

Joachim Berlenbach is an adviser to the Earth Exploration Fund UI and the Earth Gold Fund UI. He holds a Master of Science degree in economic geology from the University of Cologne, a Ph.D. in structural/mining geology from RAU (now University of Johannesburg/South Africa) and an MBA from UDW, South Africa. Berlenbach worked for eleven years in the South African gold and platinum mining industry. Following his operational occupation, he worked for five years as a sell-side analyst in the South African investment banking industry (Standard Bank, Citibank) where he was rated best South African gold analyst in 2001 and 2002. In 2003 he co-founded the boutique Craton Capital and in 2006 he founded the Earth Resource Investment Group, which advises the Earth Funds under the umbrella of Universal Investment in Frankfurt, Germany. He is a guest lecturer in economic geology at the mining school in Freiberg, Germany, and at the University of Münster, Germany, as well as a retained speaker on mining valuations in the international CFA program.

Recent Quotes

"I really like PLG's TV Tower; I've followed CEO/geologist Mark O'Dea since Fronteer."

The Gold Report Interview with Joachim Berlenbach (3/11/13)
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