Brock Salier
Sprott Equity Research

Brock Salier is an analyst with Sprott Equity Reseach. He formerly was with GMP Securities Europe LLP in London and Ambrian Capital where he was head of the small-cap mining desk, which achieved a #1 Extel ranking, and he was individually ranked at #3 among small/mid-cap mining analysts in the UK for two years running. Prior to this Salier was a management consultant in London for three years, part of which was spent in the natural resources practice of Accenture. Salier worked as a mining geologist with Great Central Mines in Australia and held exploration geology positions with Placer Dome and Rio Tinto. He holds a PhD (Distinction) and Bachelor of Science (Hons), both in economic geology specializing in gold from the University of Western Australia.
05/04/2022 – RESEARCH REPORT:
Recent Quotes
"TLG's drill results continue to point to a higher grade starter pit."
Brock Salier, Sprott Equity Research
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