Goldman Sachs Getting in on Rare Earths?

Dines Letter (03/18/2010)
"As 'The Original Rare Earth Bug' our TDLs for nearly a year have pioneered an explanation of why these metals are crucial and that investments should be made in their mining companies without further delay.

. . .With rare earth elements vital to America's security—for example, you can't build a Predator drone aircraft without them—and we have believed that it was only a matter of time before the American military awakened to its vulnerability of supply from China!

No human knows the future for sure, but it is our challenge to develop an Order of Battle of probabilities, constantly updated as new input arrives, and it seems to us that these Washington hearings are likely to awaken America to pouring money into the immediate development of an American rare earth industry, starting from scratch, and sparing no expense of any kind whatsoever. After all, the United States owns the printing press!

The House Committee on Science & Technology Investigations and Oversight Panel is holding these hearings and considering the property inside the United States of Molycorp's Mountain Pass mine. Who would undertake the IPO expense of bringing this privately owned rare earth mine into production? None other than Goldman Sachs! Who knew?

With that kind of big Wall Street money suddenly tuned into rare earths we suspect that that might be the emotional trigger alerting the herd that they had better get upstream quickly before the public dives into the rare earth markets."

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